• Cross Section Analysis
  • Dual Beam FIB – Features two types of FIB/FE-SEM together for precision cross-sectional analysis.
  • Ion Beam can be injected to plant microscopic regions in nm to um, and the etched regions can be used to obtain high-resolution images.
  • It is equipped with FIB and FE-SEM to enable etching and image observation at the same time, effectively performing analysis time and real-time inspection.

Apply Analysis

  • Section Image
  • Section Analysis in nm ~ um

Equipment Specifications

Analytical equipment details
Manufacturer/Model Name : 1540 EsB / CARL ZEISS
1. Resolution : 7nm @ 30kV guaranteed, 5mm achievable
2. Magnifcation : 600x - 500kx
3. Probe Current : 1pA - 50 nA
4. Emitter : Ga liquid metal ion source(LMS)
5. Detectors : In-column : Esb with fitering grid(BSE) Fitering grid voltage 0 - 1500V
6. Operating pressure : 5 x 10 - 5 mbar or lower
7. Specimen Stage : 6-axes fuly exxentric, all motorized
8. Gas Injection System : Up to 5 gases for selecive Etching, enhanced etching, material deposition, Insulator deposition

Analysis Examples

  • Defective Location Section Analysis
  • Layer Thickness Measurement
  • Bump Section Structure