HAST (Highly Accelerated Temperature & Humidity Stress Test)

  • Evaluate the reliability of the plastic package process using appropriate Bias, accelerated temperature and high humidity test conditions, moisture penetrates through the pores of the molding compound, causing pad metal to corrode or passivation crack by moisture and debris, and other defects by corroding the metal wiring membrane on the chip surface.
  • It is an evaluation that strengthens the temperature, humidity, and Bias to accelerate the penetration of Moisture through the joint of the product. Use harsh temperature, humidity and bias conditions that accelerate water ingress. Stress activates the same failure mechanism as the 85℃/85% test (JEDEC Standard No. 22-A101).

Conditions of progress

Spec Test condition
Temperature(℃) Humidity (%) Vapor Pressure (psia/kpa) Bias (V) Duration (Hrs)
JESD22-A110 130℃ / ±2 85% / ±2 33.3 / 230 VCC Max 96 (-0/+2)
110℃ / ±2 85% / ±5 17.7 / 122 VCC Max 264 (-0/+2)
Condition Reference Test requirements/cautions
AEC-Q100 JEDEC JESD22-A101 or A110 85℃/85%RH for 1000 hours or HAST (130℃/85%RH for 96 hours, or 110℃/85%RH for 264 hours).