U-HAST (unbias-HAST)

  • Conducted to assess the reliability of non-sealed packages in humid environments.
  • Highly accelerated tests that use temperature and humidity in noncondensing conditions to accelerate water penetration are not biased to prevent bias failure types and to ensure that temperature and humidity failure mechanisms are exposed (e.g. galvanic corrosion).

Conditions of progress

Spec Test condition
Temperature(℃) Humidity (%) Vapor Pressure (psia/kpa) Duration (Hrs)
JESD22-A118 130℃ / ±2 85% / ±2 33.3 / 230 96 (-0/+2)
110℃ / ±2 85% / ±5 17.7 / 122 264 (-0/+2)
Condition Reference Test requirements/cautions
AEC-Q100 JEDEC JESD22-A102, A118, or A101 121ºC/15psig for 96 hours
or unbiased HAST (130°C/85%RH for 96 hours, or 110°C/85%RH for 264 hours).
1000 hours replaceable with TH (85°C/85%RH) for hot, high pressure sensitive (e.g., BGA) packages