The purpose of evaluating thermal and electrical problems during operation, generally process or design problems, should be found, and the product should be operated to predict failure-in-time (FIT) and mean time to failure (MTTF) in the market using acceleration factors (temperature and voltage) to estimate the life of the product.
Conditions of progress
High Temperature Operating Life test duration / temperature
1000hrs , 125℃ ≤ Tj , Vcc Max
Grade 0 : +150 °C for 1000 hours
Grade 1 : +125 °C for 1000 hours
Grade 2 : +105 °C for 1000 hours
Grade 3 : +85 °C for 1000 hours
Bathtub curve
▶ Stabilizer: In a stable state where initial defects have been removed, defects occur constantly in the section where the user uses the product
It is intended to assess thermal and electrical problems during operation, typically identifying process or design problems, and is used to estimate the lifetime of the product.
The acceleration factor (temperature and voltage) should be used to predict the failure-in-time (FIT) and mean time to failure (MTTF) in the market, and the product should be operated as similar to the Set implementation conditions as possible.