• A device that detects light or heat generated at a specific location after applying Bias to a semiconductor.
  • The light emitting area is emitted primarily in relation to Gate Poly, and in the case of heat, a current flows through the resistor.
  • It is mainly used to detect leakage current and short defect positions of semiconductors. In the case of Photon Emission, the OBIRCH system is included to confirm the defect position accurately. In the case of Thermal Emission, it is easy to find spots by reducing noise and amplifying hot spots.

Apply Analysis

  • Metal Shrot
  • ESD Fail
  • Leakage Fail
  • Junction Leakage
  • Oxide Broken

Equipment Specifications

Analytical equipment details
Manufacturer/Model Name : PHEMOS-1000, THEMOS-1000/ HAMMATSU
1. Dual Optical system
2. Microscope stage with motorized X-Y-Z stage
3. Macro lens 0.8x N.A. 0.4
4. Long distance microscope objectives, IR-version 5x,20x,50x,100x
5. NIR 1x for IR OBIRCH
6. Laser scan unit
7. Back side detection
8. Cooled CCD Camera with EEV CCD chip
9. Detector : InGaAs-Pin PD Resolution Max 1024 x 1024

Analysis Examples

  • [THEMOS]
  • [PHEMOS]
  • [IR Camera]
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